Leave a Legacy

“It takes a noble person to plant a seed and grow a tree that will one day provide shade to those whom one may never meet.”
- D. Elton Trueblood

The future of Madison’s Clubhouses will be built on today’s planned and deferred gifts. If you are planning to include Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation in your plans, we hope you will let us know. Providing us with notice of your intention is the best way to help us plan ahead and ensure that your gift is used just as you wish.

Legal Language and Tax ID

For all legal purposes, please refer to our organization as:

Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation, Inc.

Tax ID#: 85-4129850

Bequests through a Will or Revocable Trust

A gift through your will or revocable trust is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation.

Beneficiary Designation

A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support Madison’s mission. You can designate Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy. Donations to Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation at life end will qualify for the federal estate tax charitable deduction and may result in significant estate tax savings to the donor's estate.

IRA Contributions

A donor who is 70 1/2 or older may direct up to $100,000 from an IRA to the Foundation and receive credit toward their required minimum distribution each year. While an income tax deduction is not available to the donor, the donor may receive tax savings because the amount directed will not be taxable income.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable Remainder Trusts allow for a donor to sell appreciated assets and defer recognition of the taxable gain, in some cases, for many years. The proceeds of sale can be reinvested in a diversified portfolio and will provide a stream of payments for life or a term of years to the donor (and possibly the donor’s spouse), with the balance of assets on hand (known as the remainder) passing to the Foundation at the time of trust termination without any income or estate tax burden. The donor may also be eligible for an income tax deduction for a portion of the value contributed to the trust at inception.

Share Your Plans

If you have included Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation in your estate plans, please let us know so we can recognize your intention and ensure it is allocated according to your wishes. Anonymous and/or unexpected gifts may be less helpful because they cannot be included in our planning.

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions.

Anna Phewa, Senior Director of Individual Donor Partnerships


At Madison, I feel like I belong.