Corporate Partnership Opportunities
We are always looking for new opportunities to collaborate with companies that share our common goal: saving and enhancing the lives of New York City youth. We are committed to developing holistic partnerships that are mutually beneficial. As a supporter, your company will enjoy special privileges such as exclusive volunteer opportunities for employees, personalized tours and marketing/PR benefits — all while demonstrating a strong sense of leadership and social responsibility to its stakeholders.
Corporate philanthropy
Donations of various sizes help support the Foundation’s efforts to support Madison Square Boys & Girls Club’s mission by providing after-school and summer programs for thousands of youth in New York City’s most under-resourced communities.
Corporate sponsorship
Your gift can be directed to one of the Foundation’s many signature annual events or to one of Madison’s programs or initiatives that the Foundation supports. Help support programs like SMART Girls, Passport to Manhood or Triple Play, which offer high visibility and have a direct impact on youth served. Support of special annual Clubhouse events, physical spaces and new initiatives may also be available.
Corporate volunteer opportunities
Volunteer Events
Corporate volunteer groups are welcome at Madison’s Clubhouses throughout the year. Volunteer events offer great team building experiences for your employees. Opportunities include help with daily programs and Clubhouse events, as well as skills-based volunteer workshops that help Madison members realize their full potential. The Foundation can help facilitate these volunteer opportunities for you. Contact us to find the best fit for your company.
Wish Campaigns
The Foundation works with corporate partners to help fulfill the needs of Madison’s members during key times throughout the year when they most need support, i.e. Back to School/College and the holidays. Your employees and colleagues can rally together online or in person to provide gifts, gear, supplies, and other contributions. The Winter Wishes campaign allows employees to read about specific children and purchase gifts online from individual member’s wish lists. Clubhouse staff leaders identify families who can most benefit from these donations.
Give Today
When you invest in Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation you help ensure bright futures for the thousands of youth who attend the Clubs each year. Click here to donate!
For more information about becoming a corporate partner, please contact Denise Cante, Senior Director of Corporate Relations.
Thank You Corporate Partners!
These caring corporate citizens have partnered with us to find innovative ways to help our young people reach their full potential. We thank them for their ongoing support and commitment to furthering our mission.
Premier Partners
Lead Partners
Youth Ambassadors
*These generous donations to Madison reflect contributions to both Madison Square Boys & Girls Club as well as the Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Foundation.
“Volunteering at Madison is easily one of my favorite days of the year.”